If you have any question on any of our four programs or want to get more information, please contact the appropriate program heads below;
General — Tak Eng (WYHK ’71) at takhoieng@gmail.com
On-site English Tutorial Program — Stephen Lam (WYHK ’75) at lamwainang@gmail.com or Herbert Chan (WYHK ’79) at cchanf@netvigator.com
Online Oral English Program — Tak Eng (WYHK ’71) at takhoieng@gmail.com or Ivan Luk (WYK ’82) at ivan.luk@icloud.com
Life Planning and Ethnic Minority Programs — Helen Lok (WYKCC) at helenlsy@netvigator.com
Caesar Chan, Self-Esteem Builder
Anthony Kwan, Webmaster
{Last update: 20200723, 20190529]