Online Oral English

Mode of Operation

This free service aims to provide online oral English practice to Forms 5 and 6 under-privileged students in TSW who are recommended by their schools to join.

All tutors are Wah Yan alumni or their family members who are living locally or overseas; English is part of their daily and/or professional life. They volunteer to serve as tutors to enhance students’ confidence and fluency when communicating in English. By speaking with tutors regularly, students would be better prepared to face their public oral English exam. Tutors are online at specific hour and day of the week and students can log on to talk to them on topics determined by the tutors. Alternatively, students can request and, with prior agreement of the tutors, discuss topics of their own concern. Students can talk to a specific tutor or any other tutor available at a time convenient to them. Attached are Guidelines for Students to observe.

If you are a Form 5 or 6 student attending a school in TSW and want to join, please ask your English teacher to contact us.

If you are interested to become a volunteer tutor, please contact either Daniel Mak or Tak H Eng below.

Feedback, Questions or Complaints
For Overall Operation — Daniel Mak at

For Tutors — Tak H. Eng at takhoieng@gmail. com

For Student Affairs —  Ivan Luk at


[Last update: 20170105, 20161209]