Expected Help and Co-operation from Partner Schools
Setting Up of Program and Appointment of Liaison Officer
1. The principal or vice-principal should be involved in the setting up and review of the program and a senior teacher be appointed to liaise with project co-ordinator and tutors on the detailed arrangements and to resolve any problem.
Free Use of Classroom and Equipment
2. The school should provide, free of charge, a classroom for holding all tutorial lessons. Equipment, like computer, projector, wifi, etc. should also be available free to facilitate teaching.
Recruitment of Students
3. The schools should recruit, in the following order, under-privileged Forms 2 to 4 students who are motivated and committed to spend 10 weeks to attend this program;
a. those whose families are receiving public assistance; and
b. those who receive tuition reduction, textbook assistance, etc.
Once admitted, they should be told not to enroll in other activities which may conflict with their lesson schedule.
4. Only in exceptional cases when there are vacancies remaining within a class may students not meeting the requirements in 3 above but recommended by the school be admitted.
Class Size and Student Grouping
5. Each class should consist of not less than four but not more than 12 students.
6. Students of similar English ability should be grouped within the same class despite the fact that they may be in different Forms. ( Experience has revealed that students with significantly lower ability will not benefit from our program if not placed in a lower Form class.)
Attendance of Students
7. A teacher or Teaching Assistant (TA) should be appointed to take roll call for each lesson and he should inform the tutor of each class well in advance if the majority of students are likely to be absent so that the tutor can consider either cancelling the class or grouping the remaining students with another class.
He should also follow up with absentees the reason for their absence.
Teaching Materials
8. A set of teaching materials will be agreed with the school for use by the tutor of each class. The school is responsible for making sufficient copies for use by the students.
9. Apart from English teaching, the tutor will share with his students his life experiences which are beneficial to their upbringing and guide them to plan their future life and career to become responsible citizens. No sex, politics or religion will, however, be touched.
Teaching Schedule
10. The school should identify up to 10 Friday afternoons after school or Saturday mornings when their enrolled students are free to attend lessons in this program. Tutors will be sent to the school according to the agreed schedule.
11. Each school will be provided with up to two tutors. Each tutor will teach two consecutive lessons of up to 1 1/4 hours each with a break of up to 15 minutes in between.
Before and During Lesson
12. A personnel of the school (can be a TA or clerk ) should be readily available to assist the tutor should any unforeseen incident, like technical problem with equipment which may require change of classroom or sudden sickness of student, occur.
13. As a welcome gesture, a bottle of drinking water should be provided to each volunteer tutor when he arrives at the school.
Review of Program
14. Either the school or project co-ordinator can ask for a meeting to review the program at any time to resolve problem or seek improvement.
15. At the end of each intake, a questionnaire will be issued to each student to collect their feedback and seek improvement.
16. Teachers of the school are welcome to attend and observe any tutorial lesson and provide feedback to our tutors.
[Last update: 20170114]